Recipe Description:
Baba Ghannouj, pronounced "Ba-ba-ga-noosh", is a popular and tasty Greek dip made from eggplant, which is low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol.
- Cut top stem off of eggplant and then cut eggplant in half lengthwise. Wash both halves of eggplant and leave very damp.
- Place eggplant in skillet skin-side down. Cover and place heat on medium-low. Cook approximately 25 minutes or until eggplant is tender when stabbed with a fork.
- Allow to cool. Scoop out the flesh with a large spoon and place into a food processor. Discard skin.
- Add remaining ingredients into blender and pulse for about 2 minutes. Can be mashed by hand.
- Place in serving bowl, garnish with parsley and serve with toasted pita bread.
- Can be made 1-2 days in advance.
- Can substitute pita bread with flatbread or crackers.
- Makes a delicious sandwich spread.