International Salad Extravaganza in Support of GK777 - July 21, 2012

Fri, 07/20/2012 - 1:25pm -- Saladmaster

The International Salad Extravaganza will be in full gear this Saturday, July 21, as Saladmaster hosts a worldwide GK777 Day. On this special day, Saladmaster will promote and raise awareness for the Philippines-based partner organization.

Gawad Kalinga (GK), which means "To Give Care" translated in English, is officially known as the Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation. A poverty alleviation and nation-building movement, Gawad Kalinga is building a nation empowered by people with faith and patriotism; a nation made up of caring and sharing communities dedicated to eradicate poverty and restore human dignity.

"The thing that makes Gawad Kalinga long term, is that not only do they have good intentions, but they also have good structure and philosophy about not just giving someone a home, but also helping those folks become good community citizens and sending their kids to school, and changing their paradigm that keeps people down. They teach people to be responsible to change their lives, not just be given something," says Keith Peterson, President of Saladmaster. 

Saladmaster and its participating dealers and consultants will be raising funds on July 21 in order to continue to build homes in Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines for people that have been displaced by poverty and war. Enough funds have been raised to build 50 homes in the village, and groundbreaking took place in December 2007. It is not only about the money, but about reminding each other of the value we have as human beings and helping restore dignity to people who have lost hope. If you would like to make a donation, please click here and look for the GK777 donations banner.

For more information regarding Gawad Kalinga, visit; and for the International Salad Extravaganza, visit