Master Dealers Tracy and Tiana Klimczak Featured on Healthy U TV

Thu, 12/13/2012 - 1:57pm -- Saladmaster

Tracy and Tiana Klimczak, two of our most inspiring Life Changers, run Quality Health Systems in Mesa, AZ. They have been Authorized Saladmaster Dealers since 2005, have won numerous awards, and have achieved the rank of Master Dealer. According to the Klimczaks, what makes them so successful is their willingness, indeed their passion, for sharing the Saladmaster lifestyle and opportunity with others. “We try to reach as many people who come into our lives – for a reason, a season or a lifetime. We don’t want to go to bed any night without having helped someone.”

As part of their ongoing mission to change as many lives as possible, Quality Health Systems participates in a community health and wellness initiative called Healthy U TV.  Healthy U TV and its sponsors promote health and fitness in the Phoenix and Tucson, AZ areas. As a proud sponsor, Quality Health Systems is giving back to the community as a portion of all sponsorships help fund the Shape Up US program in Arizona schools. In the latest video, Tracy and Tiana introduce their office and give us a glimpse inside what makes them so successful. Here the Klimczaks describe each department and the team member that makes it work. 

Twice monthly, Quality Health Systems holds cooking schools for their customers to share the latest in healthy food preparation and nutrition. Their cooking demonstrations and lessons are a showcase of both the Saladmaster spirit of success and the Klimczak passion for changing lives. In their beautiful kitchen, Tiana and Tracy truly share the dream of health and success showing their audience how easy it really is for their dreams to become reality. A schedule of Quality Health System’s cooking classes can be found on their website and in the cooking class section of this website.

One of the unique features of Quality Health Systems’ facilities is the special room devoted to kids. Tracy and Tiana know that health and wellness encompasses more than just nutritious eating. Their commitment to family is no better demonstrated than the room they have provided for the children of consultants and guests. Here, kids can play or study while their parents are busy learning the business or participating in a Quality Health Systems event. 

“Be the change you want to see in the world” reads a motto on a bracelet that Tiana Klimczak wears. First spoken by Mahatma Gandhi, this advice has become a mission that the Klimczaks live by and fulfill daily as they continue to change lives in Arizona and throughout the Saladmaster Family.

To learn more about Saladmaster and Healthy Solutions 316 Ti Cookware, visit