Saladmaster Blog Archive: April 2012

Introducing Your Baby to Solid Foods
April 23, 2012, 4:33 pm CDT

Making fresh, homemade food for your baby is easy, economical and good for the environment!

Key points to remember when making homeade baby food and introducing solid foods:

  • When introducing new food to your baby, follow the four...
Cooking with Oil Affects Blood Sugar
April 23, 2012, 4:02 pm CDT

Vegetable oils are often thought of as healthier than animal fats, however, they are just as high in calories. Oil of any type is 100% fat and for every 1 gram of fat, there are 9 calories. This fat not only expands our waistlines, it interferes with...

The Sweet Potato: Beautiful and Nutritious for Light Recipes
April 23, 2012, 3:38 pm CDT

By Melinda Myers

Add a bit of color and nutrition to your Saladmaster® meals with sweet potatoes. Also known as kumara, this vegetable has long been an important food crop in tropical and...

Reduce Your Diabetes Risk - Simply Stand Up and Use Cooking Light Recipes
April 23, 2012, 2:38 pm CDT

By Kathy Smith, fitness expert, author and TV personality

Along with eating properly, and cooking light recipes, exercise is basically the most important thing you can do if you have diabetes. If you don't work out regularly, you are...